Running your own business has many advantages, especially if you are ready to take full advantage of what the web has to offer. Some of the most effective based on web tools for companies, there are several prepared and implemented by Google. Here is a selection of the best tools around Google, which, though little known, offer a great help for all types of entrepreneurs.
Get your business online
Perfect for small business owners, the site is full of interesting tips and lessons on a wide range of topics - from creating websites to integrate social media. Sign up and receive regular doses of video tutorials directly to your inbox.
Google Trends
Perfect for all matters of research and marketing, Google Trends will that show what keywords are most searched for and visualize data by region, which can be very good if your target audience is local. You can see what your current business problems are and use them as content ideas for your business blog.
Google Public Data Explorer
Excellent tool for crunching data, you can search through a wide range of international databases that display information about economic policies, unemployment and more. You can view the data according to their needs and preferences, and easily communicate with colleagues. A great source of essential facts about your industry.
Keep Google
This is like Evernote, but better. Perfect for busy entrepreneurs, Google lets you synchronize Keep all your notes across devices and place it in Google Drive. It also offers voice to text feature that lets you take notes still running from one meeting to another.
Think Google
This tool provides a wealth of insights for marketing and consumption data, ideal for the development of more effective marketing strategies. The number of case studies presented on the site is outrageously high, to help you make the most of the funds in your marketing efforts.
Ngram Viewer
This tool allows you to explore the trends in a wide range of time. Search by keyword, you can see the number of books containing it was written in a specific period. If you are interested in the answers to questions like "What medicine was popular in Victorian times?" This is the place to go. Ngram provides a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for all those who are looking for ideas for interesting content.
Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts was launched as part of Google in 2011 and over the years has proven to be a superior video conferencing software. You can have a conversation with your team, think of an idea or organize a spontaneous meeting. It runs on mobile devices and allows sharing of Google Trends charts.
Google resources multiscreen
With this tool, you can help web developers to create the most exciting mobile version of your website. It has lots of tips and tricks for beginners and advanced developers, helping to generate maximum impact on mobile platforms. You'll also find some recommendations of local providers who can help you get your mobile website in very little time.
Google Correlate
Similar to Google Trends, this tool allows you to search keywords search within a specific timeframe. You can search by drawing its own chart to see what search keywords follow a similar dynamic. You can take a look at what people are looking for before and after the purchase of a product will give you an idea of potentially viral content.
Webmaster Tools
A simple tool that keeps track of all the important aspects of the state and the traffic of a website. It has two additional features - Google Places and structure data marked Helper. In general, this is the go-to tool for getting the most out of their online presence.
You may be surprised, but the above means absolutely complete list of Google tools. With its wide base and solid character in the data analysis, Google tools are great for finding your industry to ensure you are always on top of new trends in business and consumer culture.